2024 Annual ISTOG Meeting & Call for Presentations


Sheraton Sand Key in Clearwater Beach, Florida on December 9-10, 2024

Meeting Information

  • ISTOG consists of representatives from companies (utilities & vendors) who operate nuclear power plants and who perform or support Inservice Testing duties as a profession. We encourage participating from all those involved in providing IST services to help us improve and become a proactive owners group.
  • If you are interested in presenting during the 2024 ISTOG meeting, please contact Betsy Moenkedick at [email protected] with the topic you'd like to present.
  • We will have a Q&A session again this year. Please submit all questions for the Q&A session to Betsy Moenkedick.
  • Registration for the ISTOG Meeting is required and can be completed using this link  https://form.jotform.com/bamoenke/2024-istog-registration-form

Hotel Information

  • ISTOG will be taking place at the Sheraton Sand Key in Clearwater Beach, FL
  • There are two room blocks, one for ISTOG and one for ASME OM. The hotel are registration form has been emailed and can be found on the website. https://istog.net/download/489fbe03-c7af-40af-8a1b-7b6f32eeaf1c.pdf
  • The hotel block will be good through November 8, 2024 at the discount rate. Thereafter, it is available at the normal price.
  • During the week of ISTOG/ASME OM Code meetings, you will be required to go to the front desk to re-activate your room key due to the multiple room blocks but will remain in the same hotel room.

Preliminary Agenda Topics

  • ISTOG Administrative items
  • Steering Committee Elections
  • 2024 ISTOG Topics
  • NRC Presentation - Rulemaking
  • NRC Presentation - Snubbers
  • ASME OM Code Update
  • Self-Assessments
  • Operating Experience
  • EPRI Update / IST Assessment Tool
Technical presentations are part of what makes the annual ISTOG meetings so valuable to attendees. Hearing how peers are solving challenges at their station and innovative products and ideas that vendor and consultants have provides the Inservice Testing Program Owner with valuable knowledge that can be used to improve their Program.